So lots of things happened yesterday, but I made it in the end! Here's the balance sheet of how the day panned out:
- Lift to the station from a usually reluctant dad. Plus 10. Cry. Minus 3.
- Realise I have forgotten to print Eurostar ticket. Panic. Minus 5.
- Nice Eurostar lady hears my cries of anguish and kindly reprints it for me. Plus 5. Bonus points because she also admonishes a self-important businessman who tries to push in front of me in the queue. Plus 3.
- Meet Pete for lunch. Plus 25. He is half an hour late and I am so nervous I can only manage a third of my delicious gnocchi. Minus 5.
- Catch Eurostar on time and I even have a window seat so I can enjoy the lovely view on the way! Plus 25.
- Oh. Minus 5.
- Start reading British Council Assistantship Guidebook. Plus 10. Promptly fall asleep. Minus 10.
- Arrive in Paris! Plus 20.
- First sign for Montargis - it definitely exists! Plus 10.
- Look weird taking photos of signs. Minus 2.
- Make it to the Gare de Lyon with plenty of time before my train and there's even a lift! Plus 15.
- The lift is full of terrifying French Army men with machine guns... Minus 5.
- One of them is fit. Plus 5. He winks at me. Plus 3.
- Spend 10 minutes wandering the wrong way in the station and have to run to catch the train I was an hour early for. Minus 10.
- Catch the train (phew) but look like I've just run a marathon. Wash.
- Small angry child spends most of the train journey crying right next to me. Minus 5. She then wees all over the floor just as we are pulling into Montargis. Fab. Minus 20.
- Julie comes to pick me up - she is LOVELY! Plus 50. Nicknames my suitcase le monstre. Fair. Wash.
- Julie updates me on accommodation news: Sara is moving out on Monday which means the apartment would only be shared between me and the Chinese girl. So far so good, no shared room - Plus 10. However, the fact that Sara's moving out and the Chinese girl isn't paying rent (combined with a certain amount of short-sightedness from the school) means the entire
€400 rent will have to be covered by me. Not cool. Minus 60. Looks like I'm house-hunting then! - Meet Pierre, Julie's husband (of 3 months - aww). He is also really lovely. Plus 20.
- Bonus points for English-themed décor - Plus 5.
- Dinner. Plus 20.
- Julie finds me the apartment the English assistant had last year. It is lovely, furnished, precisely halfway between the school and the town centre (and right by the station) and most importantly, available from Saturday. The rent's €470, but apparently if I don't live in the school the French government will pay half of it for me, because I have a low income. Thanks French government! Sounds perfect to me! Plus 100.
Total: 206 (If I've added up correctly) and that sounds about right to me! I'm feeling much more excited than nervous now, Montargis is beautiful (from what I've seen) and I'm actually really looking forward to having my own place for the first time in my life - hope nobody gets in there before me!
Incidentally, the answers to yesterday's game were as follows: Spare phone and charger for my English SIM, collapsible laundry basket. Could have been worse I suppose!
My company is equivalent to a window seat?
ReplyDeleteMe and mummy very much enjoyed this. Especially the bit about being winked at by fit french soldier. Love you xxx